Information for Residents of Capital Wharf

This information is to help you, whether you are a tenant or an owner, make your time at Capital Wharf safe and secure and enjoyable for all.

If you are an owner this information does not affect or release you from the covenants and regulations covered in your own lease.

If you are a tenant your landlord is bound by the covenants and regulations within their lease and these should be reflected in your tenancy agreement, but this information will give guidance. If you have any issues you should contact your landlord or letting agency.

Whether you are a tenant or owner, the concierges will help with any questions and must be the first port of call and kept informed of issues and progress.

Please be familiar with the Fire Safety Evacuation Procedure for Capital Wharf that was issued in January 2023 and the Fire Safety Information for the building issued in October 2024.